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1"""Interact with the norming endpoint."""
3import json
4import os
5import re
6import warnings
7from typing import List, Union
9import pandas
10import requests
12from receptiviti.manage_request import _manage_request, _resolve_request_def
15def norming(
16 name: Union[str, None] = None,
17 text: Union[str, List[str], pandas.DataFrame, None] = None,
18 options: Union[dict, None] = None,
19 delete=False,
20 name_only=False,
21 dotenv: Union[bool, str] = True,
22 key=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_KEY", ""),
23 secret=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_SECRET", ""),
24 url=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_URL", ""),
25 verbose=True,
26 **kwargs,
27) -> Union[
28 None, "list[str]", pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, "dict[str, Union[pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, None]]"
30 """
31 View or Establish Custom Norming Contexts.
33 Custom norming contexts can be used to process later texts by specifying the
34 `custom_context` API argument in the `receptiviti.request` function (e.g.,
35 `receptiviti.request("text to score", version = "v2", options = {"custom_context": "norm_name"})`,
36 where `norm_name` is the name you set here).
38 Args:
39 name (str): Name of a new norming context, to be established from the provided 'text'.
40 Not providing a name will list the previously created contexts.
41 text (str): Text to be processed and used as the custom norming context.
42 Not providing text will return the status of the named norming context.
43 options (dict): Options to set for the norming context (e.g.,
44 `{"word_count_filter": 350, "punctuation_filter": .25}`).
45 delete (bool): If `True`, will request removal of the `name` context.
46 name_only (bool): If `True`, will return a list of context names only, including those of
47 build-in contexts.
48 dotenv (bool | str): Path to a .env file to read environment variables from. By default,
49 will for a file in the current directory or `~/Documents`.
50 Passed to `readin_env` as `path`.
51 key (str): Your API key.
52 secret (str): Your API secret.
53 url (str): The URL of the API; defaults to ``.
54 verbose (bool): If `False`, will not show status messages.
55 **kwargs (Any): Additional arguments to specify how tests are read in and processed;
56 see [receptiviti.request][receptiviti.request].
58 Returns:
59 Nothing if `delete` is `True`.
60 If `list_all` is `True`, a `list` containing context names (built-in and custom).
61 Otherwise, either a `pandas.DataFrame` containing all existing custom context statuses
62 (if no `name` is specified), a `pandas.Series` containing the the status of
63 `name` (if `text` is not specified), a dictionary:
65 - `initial_status`: Initial status of the context.
66 - `first_pass`: Response after texts are sent the first time, or
67 `None` if the initial status is `pass_two`.
68 - `second_pass`: Response after texts are sent the second time.
70 Examples:
71 ```
72 # list all available contexts:
73 receptiviti.norming()
75 # list current custom contexts:
76 receptiviti.norming()
78 # create or get the status of a single context:
79 receptiviti.norming("new_context")
80 ```
82 Send tests to establish the context, just like
83 the [receptiviti.request][receptiviti.request] function.
84 ```
85 ## such as directly:
86 receptiviti.norming("new_context", ["text to send", "another text"])
88 ## or from a file:
89 receptiviti.norming("new_context", "./path/to/file.csv", text_column = "text")
91 ## delete the new context:
92 receptiviti.norming("new_context", delete=True)
93 ```
94 """
95 _, url, key, secret = _resolve_request_def(url, key, secret, dotenv)
96 auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(key, secret)
97 if name_only:
98 if verbose:
99 print("requesting list of existing custom norming contests")
100 req = requests.get(url + "/v2/norming/", auth=auth, timeout=9999)
101 if req.status_code != 200:
102 msg = f"failed to make norming list request: {req.status_code} {req.reason}"
103 raise RuntimeError(msg)
104 norms = req.json()
105 if norms and verbose:
106 custom_prefix = re.compile("^custom/")
107 print("available norming context(s): " + ", ".join([custom_prefix.sub("", name) for name in norms]))
108 return norms
110 url += "/v2/norming/custom/"
111 if name and"[^a-z0-9_.-]", name):
112 msg = "`name` can only include lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores, or periods"
113 raise RuntimeError(msg)
115 # list current context
116 if verbose:
117 print("requesting list of existing custom norming contests")
118 req = requests.get(url, auth=auth, timeout=9999)
119 if req.status_code != 200:
120 msg = f"failed to make custom norming list request: {req.status_code} {req.reason}"
121 raise RuntimeError(msg)
122 norms = pandas.json_normalize(req.json())
123 if not name:
124 if len(norms):
125 if verbose:
126 custom_prefix = re.compile("^custom/")
127 print(
128 "custom norming context(s) found: "
129 + ", ".join([custom_prefix.sub("", name) for name in norms["name"]])
130 )
131 elif verbose:
132 print("no custom norming contexts found")
133 return norms
134 context_id = "custom/" + name
135 if len(norms) and context_id in norms["name"].values:
136 if delete:
137 res = requests.delete(url + name, auth=auth, timeout=9999)
138 content = res.json() if res.text[:1] == "[" else {"message": res.text}
139 if res.status_code != 200:
140 msg = f"Request Error ({res.status_code!s})" + (
141 (" (" + str(content["code"]) + ")" if "code" in content else "") + ": " + content["message"]
142 )
143 raise RuntimeError(msg)
144 return None
145 status = norms[norms["name"] == context_id].iloc[0]
146 if options:
147 warnings.warn(UserWarning(f"context {name} already exists, so options do not apply"), stacklevel=2)
148 elif delete:
149 print(f"context {name} does not exist")
150 return None
151 else:
152 if verbose:
153 print(f"requesting creation of context {name}")
154 req =, json.dumps({"name": name, **(options if options else {})}), auth=auth, timeout=9999)
155 if req.status_code != 200:
156 msg = f"failed to make norming creation request: {req.json().get('error', 'reason unknown')}"
157 raise RuntimeError(msg)
158 status = pandas.json_normalize(req.json()).iloc[0]
159 if options:
160 for param, value in options.items():
161 if param not in status:
162 warnings.warn(UserWarning(f"option {param} was not set"), stacklevel=2)
163 elif value != status[param]:
164 warnings.warn(UserWarning(f"set option {param} does not match the requested value"), stacklevel=2)
165 if verbose:
166 print(f"status of {name}:")
167 print(status)
168 if not text:
169 return status
170 status_step = status["status"]
171 if status_step == "completed":
172 warnings.warn(UserWarning("status is `completes`, so cannot send text"), stacklevel=2)
173 return {"initial_status": status, "first_pass": None, "second_pass": None}
174 if status_step == "pass_two":
175 first_pass = None
176 else:
177 if verbose:
178 print(f"sending first-pass sample for {name}")
179 _, first_pass, _ = _manage_request(
180 text=text,
181 **kwargs,
182 dotenv=dotenv,
183 key=key,
184 secret=secret,
185 url=f"{url}{name}/one",
186 to_norming=True,
187 )
188 second_pass = None
189 if first_pass is not None and (first_pass["analyzed"] == 0).all():
190 warnings.warn(
191 UserWarning("no texts were successfully analyzed in the first pass, so second pass was skipped"),
192 stacklevel=2,
193 )
194 else:
195 if verbose:
196 print(f"sending second-pass samples for {name}")
197 _, second_pass, _ = _manage_request(
198 text=text,
199 **kwargs,
200 dotenv=dotenv,
201 key=key,
202 secret=secret,
203 url=f"{url}{name}/two",
204 to_norming=True,
205 )
206 if second_pass is None or (second_pass["analyzed"] == 0).all():
207 warnings.warn(UserWarning("no texts were successfully analyzed in the second pass"), stacklevel=2)
208 return {"initial_stats": status, "first_pass": first_pass, "second_pass": second_pass}