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Make requests to the API.

request(text=None, output=None, ids=None, text_column=None, id_column=None, files=None, directory=None, file_type='txt', encoding=None, return_text=False, context='written', custom_context=False, api_args=None, frameworks=None, framework_prefix=None, bundle_size=1000, bundle_byte_limit=7500000.0, collapse_lines=False, retry_limit=50, clear_cache=False, request_cache=True, cores=1, collect_results=True, in_memory=None, verbose=False, progress_bar=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_PB', 'True'), overwrite=False, make_request=True, text_as_paths=False, dotenv=True, cache=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_CACHE', ''), cache_degragment=True, cache_overwrite=False, cache_format=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_CACHE_FORMAT', ''), key=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_KEY', ''), secret=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_SECRET', ''), url=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_URL', ''), version=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_VERSION', ''), endpoint=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_ENDPOINT', ''))

Send texts to be scored by the API.


Text to be processed, as a string or vector of strings containing the text itself, or the path to a file from which to read in text. If a DataFrame, text_column is used to extract such a vector. A string may also represent a directory in which to search for files. To best ensure paths are not treated as texts, either set text_as_path to True, or use directory to enter a directory path, or files to enter a vector of file paths.

TYPE: str | list[str] | DataFrame DEFAULT: None


Path to a file to write results to.



Vector of IDs for each text, or a column name in text containing IDs.

TYPE: str | list[str | int] DEFAULT: None


Column name in text containing text.



Column name in text containing IDs.



Vector of file paths, as alternate entry to text.

TYPE: list[str] DEFAULT: None


A directory path to search for files in, as alternate entry to text.



Extension of the file(s) to be read in from a directory (txt or csv).

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'txt'


Encoding of file(s) to be read in; one of the standard encodings. If this is None (default), encoding will be predicted for each file, but this can potentially fail, resulting in mis-encoded characters. For best (and fastest) results, specify encoding.

TYPE: str | None DEFAULT: None


If True, will include a text column in the output with the original text.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Name of the analysis context.

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'written'


Name of a custom context (as listed by receptiviti.norming), or True if context is the name of a custom context.

TYPE: str | bool DEFAULT: False


Additional arguments to include in the request.

TYPE: dict DEFAULT: None


One or more names of frameworks to request. Note that this changes the results from the API, so it will invalidate any cached results without the same set of frameworks.

TYPE: str | list DEFAULT: None


If False, will drop framework prefix from column names. If one framework is selected, will default to False.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: None


Maximum number of texts per bundle.

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 1000


Maximum byte size of each bundle.

TYPE: float DEFAULT: 7500000.0


If True, will treat files as containing single texts, and collapse multiple lines.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Number of times to retry a failed request.



If True, will delete the cache before processing.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


If False, will not temporarily save raw requests for reuse within a day.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


Number of CPU cores to use when processing multiple bundles.



If False, will not retain bundle results in memory for return.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


If False, will write bundles to disc, to be loaded when processed. Defaults to True when processing in parallel.

TYPE: bool | None DEFAULT: None


If True, will print status messages and preserve the progress bar.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


If False, will not display a progress bar.

TYPE: str | bool DEFAULT: getenv('RECEPTIVITI_PB', 'True')


If True, will overwrite an existing output file.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


If True, will explicitly mark text as a list of file paths. Otherwise, this will be detected.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


Path to a .env file to read environment variables from. By default, will for a file in the current directory or ~/Documents. Passed to readin_env as path.

TYPE: bool | str DEFAULT: True


Path to a cache directory, or True to use the default directory. The cache is an Arrow dataset, and so requires the pyarrow package.

TYPE: bool | str DEFAULT: getenv('RECEPTIVITI_CACHE', '')


If False, will not defragment the cache after writing new results to it.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: True


If True, will not check the cache for previously cached texts, but will store results in the cache (unlike cache = False).

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False


File format of the cache, of available Arrow formats.



Your API key.



Your API secret.



The URL of the API; defaults to



Version of the API; defaults to v1.



Endpoint of the API; defaults to framework.


DataFrame | None

Scores associated with each input text.


# score a single text
single = receptiviti.request("a text to score")

# score multiple texts, and write results to a file
multi = receptiviti.request(["first text to score", "second text"], "filename.csv")

# score texts in separate files
## defaults to look for .txt files
file_results = receptiviti.request(directory = "./path/to/txt_folder")

## could be .csv
file_results = receptiviti.request(
    directory = "./path/to/csv_folder",
    text_column = "text", file_type = "csv"

# score texts in a single file
results = receptiviti.request("./path/to/file.csv", text_column = "text")
Request Process

This function (along with the internal _manage_request function) handles texts and results in several steps:

  1. Prepare bundles (split text into <= bundle_size and <= bundle_byte_limit bundles).
    1. If text points to a directory or list of files, these will be read in later.
    2. If in_memory is False, bundles are written to a temporary location, and read back in when the request is made.
  2. Get scores for texts within each bundle.
    1. If texts are paths, or in_memory is False, will load texts.
    2. If cache is set, will skip any texts with cached scores.
    3. If request_cache is True, will check for a cached request.
    4. If any texts need scoring and make_request is True, will send unscored texts to the API.
  3. If a request was made and request_cache is set, will cache the response.
  4. If cache is set, will write bundle scores to the cache.
  5. After requests are made, if cache is set, will defragment the cache (combine bundle results within partitions).
  6. If collect_results is True, will prepare results:
    1. Will realign results with text (and ids if provided).
    2. If output is specified, will write realigned results to it.
    3. Will drop additional columns (such as custom and id if not provided).
    4. If framework is specified, will use it to select columns of the results.
    5. Returns results.

If cache is specified, results for unique texts are saved in an Arrow database in the cache location (os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_CACHE")), and are retrieved with subsequent requests. This ensures that the exact same texts are not re-sent to the API. This does, however, add some processing time and disc space usage.

If cache if True, a default directory (receptiviti_cache) will be looked for in the system's temporary directory (tempfile.gettempdir()).

The primary cache is checked when each bundle is processed, and existing results are loaded at that time. When processing many bundles in parallel, and many results have been cached, this can cause the system to freeze and potentially crash. To avoid this, limit the number of cores, or disable parallel processing.

The cache_format arguments (or the RECEPTIVITI_CACHE_FORMAT environment variable) can be used to adjust the format of the cache.

You can use the cache independently with pyarrow.dataset.dataset(os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_CACHE")).

You can also set the clear_cache argument to True to clear the cache before it is used again, which may be useful if the cache has gotten big, or you know new results will be returned.

Even if a cached result exists, it will be reprocessed if it does not have all of the variables of new results, but this depends on there being at least 1 uncached result. If, for instance, you add a framework to your account and want to reprocess a previously processed set of texts, you would need to first clear the cache.

Either way, duplicated texts within the same call will only be sent once.

The request_cache argument controls a more temporary cache of each bundle request. This is cleared after a day. You might want to set this to False if a new framework becomes available on your account and you want to process a set of text you re-processed recently.

Another temporary cache is made when in_memory is False, which is the default when processing in parallel (when there is more than 1 bundle and cores is over 1). This is a temporary directory that contains a file for each unique bundle, which is read in as needed by the parallel workers.


texts are split into bundles based on the bundle_size argument. Each bundle represents a single request to the API, which is why they are limited to 1000 texts and a total size of 10 MB. When there is more than one bundle and cores is greater than 1, bundles are processed by multiple cores.

If you have texts spread across multiple files, they can be most efficiently processed in parallel if each file contains a single text (potentially collapsed from multiple lines). If files contain multiple texts (i.e., collapse_lines=False), then texts need to be read in before bundling in order to ensure bundles are under the length limit.

If you are calling this function from a script, parallelization will involve rerunning that script in each process, so anything you don't want rerun should be protected by a check that __name__ equals "__main__" (placed within an if __name__ == "__main__": clause).

Source code in src\receptiviti\
def request(
    text: Union[str, List[str], pandas.DataFrame, None] = None,
    output: Union[str, None] = None,
    ids: Union[str, List[str], List[int], None] = None,
    text_column: Union[str, None] = None,
    id_column: Union[str, None] = None,
    files: Union[List[str], None] = None,
    directory: Union[str, None] = None,
    file_type: str = "txt",
    encoding: Union[str, None] = None,
    custom_context: Union[str, bool] = False,
    api_args: Union[dict, None] = None,
    frameworks: Union[str, List[str], None] = None,
    framework_prefix: Union[bool, None] = None,
    in_memory: Union[bool, None] = None,
    progress_bar: Union[str, bool] = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_PB", "True"),
    dotenv: Union[bool, str] = True,
    cache: Union[str, bool] = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_CACHE", ""),
    cache_format=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_CACHE_FORMAT", ""),
    key=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_KEY", ""),
    secret=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_SECRET", ""),
    url=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_URL", ""),
    version=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_VERSION", ""),
    endpoint=os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_ENDPOINT", ""),
) -> pandas.DataFrame | None:
    Send texts to be scored by the API.

        text (str | list[str] | pandas.DataFrame): Text to be processed, as a string or vector of
            strings containing the text itself, or the path to a file from which to read in text.
            If a DataFrame, `text_column` is used to extract such a vector. A string may also
            represent a directory in which to search for files. To best ensure paths are not
            treated as texts, either set `text_as_path` to `True`, or use `directory` to enter
            a directory path, or `files` to enter a vector of file paths.
        output (str): Path to a file to write results to.
        ids (str | list[str | int]): Vector of IDs for each `text`, or a column name in `text`
            containing IDs.
        text_column (str): Column name in `text` containing text.
        id_column (str): Column name in `text` containing IDs.
        files (list[str]): Vector of file paths, as alternate entry to `text`.
        directory (str): A directory path to search for files in, as alternate entry to `text`.
        file_type (str): Extension of the file(s) to be read in from a directory (`txt` or `csv`).
        encoding (str | None): Encoding of file(s) to be read in; one of the
            [standard encodings](
            If this is `None` (default), encoding will be predicted for each file, but this can
            potentially fail, resulting in mis-encoded characters. For best (and fastest) results,
            specify encoding.
        return_text (bool): If `True`, will include a `text` column in the output with the
            original text.
        context (str): Name of the analysis context.
        custom_context (str | bool): Name of a custom context (as listed by `receptiviti.norming`),
            or `True` if `context` is the name of a custom context.
        api_args (dict): Additional arguments to include in the request.
        frameworks (str | list): One or more names of frameworks to request. Note that this
            changes the results from the API, so it will invalidate any cached results
            without the same set of frameworks.
        framework_prefix (bool): If `False`, will drop framework prefix from column names.
            If one framework is selected, will default to `False`.
        bundle_size (int): Maximum number of texts per bundle.
        bundle_byte_limit (float): Maximum byte size of each bundle.
        collapse_lines (bool): If `True`, will treat files as containing single texts, and
            collapse multiple lines.
        retry_limit (int): Number of times to retry a failed request.
        clear_cache (bool): If `True`, will delete the `cache` before processing.
        request_cache (bool): If `False`, will not temporarily save raw requests for reuse
            within a day.
        cores (int): Number of CPU cores to use when processing multiple bundles.
        collect_results (bool): If `False`, will not retain bundle results in memory for return.
        in_memory (bool | None): If `False`, will write bundles to disc, to be loaded when
            processed. Defaults to `True` when processing in parallel.
        verbose (bool): If `True`, will print status messages and preserve the progress bar.
        progress_bar (str | bool): If `False`, will not display a progress bar.
        overwrite (bool): If `True`, will overwrite an existing `output` file.
        text_as_paths (bool): If `True`, will explicitly mark `text` as a list of file paths.
            Otherwise, this will be detected.
        dotenv (bool | str): Path to a .env file to read environment variables from. By default,
            will for a file in the current directory or `~/Documents`.
            Passed to `readin_env` as `path`.
        cache (bool | str): Path to a cache directory, or `True` to use the default directory.
            The cache is an Arrow dataset, and so requires the `pyarrow` package.
        cache_degragment (bool): If `False`, will not defragment the cache after writing new
            results to it.
        cache_overwrite (bool): If `True`, will not check the cache for previously cached texts,
            but will store results in the cache (unlike `cache = False`).
        cache_format (str): File format of the cache, of available Arrow formats.
        key (str): Your API key.
        secret (str): Your API secret.
        url (str): The URL of the API; defaults to ``.
        version (str): Version of the API; defaults to `v1`.
        endpoint (str): Endpoint of the API; defaults to `framework`.

        Scores associated with each input text.

        # score a single text
        single = receptiviti.request("a text to score")

        # score multiple texts, and write results to a file
        multi = receptiviti.request(["first text to score", "second text"], "filename.csv")

        # score texts in separate files
        ## defaults to look for .txt files
        file_results = receptiviti.request(directory = "./path/to/txt_folder")

        ## could be .csv
        file_results = receptiviti.request(
            directory = "./path/to/csv_folder",
            text_column = "text", file_type = "csv"

        # score texts in a single file
        results = receptiviti.request("./path/to/file.csv", text_column = "text")

    Request Process:
        This function (along with the internal `_manage_request` function) handles texts and results in several steps:

        1. Prepare bundles (split `text` into <= `bundle_size` and <= `bundle_byte_limit` bundles).
            1. If `text` points to a directory or list of files, these will be read in later.
            2. If `in_memory` is `False`, bundles are written to a temporary location,
               and read back in when the request is made.
        2. Get scores for texts within each bundle.
            1. If texts are paths, or `in_memory` is `False`, will load texts.
            2. If `cache` is set, will skip any texts with cached scores.
            3. If `request_cache` is `True`, will check for a cached request.
            4. If any texts need scoring and `make_request` is `True`, will send unscored texts to the API.
        3. If a request was made and `request_cache` is set, will cache the response.
        4. If `cache` is set, will write bundle scores to the cache.
        5. After requests are made, if `cache` is set, will defragment the cache
           (combine bundle results within partitions).
        6. If `collect_results` is `True`, will prepare results:
            1. Will realign results with `text` (and `ids` if provided).
            2. If `output` is specified, will write realigned results to it.
            3. Will drop additional columns (such as `custom` and `id` if not provided).
            4. If `framework` is specified, will use it to select columns of the results.
            5. Returns results.

        If `cache` is specified, results for unique texts are saved in an Arrow database
        in the cache location (`os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_CACHE")`), and are retrieved with
        subsequent requests. This ensures that the exact same texts are not re-sent to the API.
        This does, however, add some processing time and disc space usage.

        If `cache` if `True`, a default directory (`receptiviti_cache`) will be
        looked for in the system's temporary directory (`tempfile.gettempdir()`).

        The primary cache is checked when each bundle is processed, and existing results are
        loaded at that time. When processing many bundles in parallel, and many results have
        been cached, this can cause the system to freeze and potentially crash.
        To avoid this, limit the number of cores, or disable parallel processing.

        The `cache_format` arguments (or the `RECEPTIVITI_CACHE_FORMAT` environment variable) can be
        used to adjust the format of the cache.

        You can use the cache independently with

        You can also set the `clear_cache` argument to `True` to clear the cache before it is used
        again, which may be useful if the cache has gotten big, or you know new results will be

        Even if a cached result exists, it will be reprocessed if it does not have all of the
        variables of new results, but this depends on there being at least 1 uncached result. If,
        for instance, you add a framework to your account and want to reprocess a previously
        processed set of texts, you would need to first clear the cache.

        Either way, duplicated texts within the same call will only be sent once.

        The `request_cache` argument controls a more temporary cache of each bundle request. This
        is cleared after a day. You might want to set this to `False` if a new framework becomes
        available on your account and you want to process a set of text you re-processed recently.

        Another temporary cache is made when `in_memory` is `False`, which is the default when
        processing in parallel (when there is more than 1 bundle and `cores` is over 1). This is a
        temporary directory that contains a file for each unique bundle, which is read in as needed
        by the parallel workers.

        `text`s are split into bundles based on the `bundle_size` argument. Each bundle represents
        a single request to the API, which is why they are limited to 1000 texts and a total size
        of 10 MB. When there is more than one bundle and `cores` is greater than 1, bundles are
        processed by multiple cores.

        If you have texts spread across multiple files, they can be most efficiently processed in
        parallel if each file contains a single text (potentially collapsed from multiple lines).
        If files contain multiple texts (i.e., `collapse_lines=False`), then texts need to be
        read in before bundling in order to ensure bundles are under the length limit.

        If you are calling this function from a script, parallelization will involve rerunning
        that script in each process, so anything you don't want rerun should be protected by
        a check that `__name__` equals `"__main__"`
        (placed within an `if __name__ == "__main__":` clause).
    if cores > 1 and current_process().name != "MainProcess":
        return None
    if output is not None and os.path.isfile(output) and not overwrite:
        msg = "`output` file already exists; use `overwrite=True` to overwrite it"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    start_time = perf_counter()

    if dotenv:
        readin_env(dotenv if isinstance(dotenv, str) else ".")
        dotenv = False

    # check norming context
    if isinstance(custom_context, str):
        context = custom_context
        custom_context = True
    if context != "written":
        if verbose:
            print(f"retrieving norming contexts ({perf_counter() - start_time:.4f})")
        available_contexts: List[str] = norming(name_only=True, url=url, key=key, secret=secret, verbose=False)
        if ("custom/" + context if custom_context else context) not in available_contexts:
            msg = f"norming context {context} is not on record or is not completed"
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # check frameworks
    if frameworks and version and "2" in version:
        if not api_args:
            api_args = {}
        if isinstance(frameworks, str):
            frameworks = [frameworks]
        api_args["frameworks"] = [f for f in frameworks if f != "summary"]
    if api_args and "frameworks" in api_args:
        arg_frameworks: List[str] = (
            api_args["frameworks"].split(",") if isinstance(api_args["frameworks"], str) else api_args["frameworks"]
        available_frameworks = get_frameworks(url=url, key=key, secret=secret)
        for f in arg_frameworks:
            if f not in available_frameworks:
                msg = f"requested framework is not available to your account: {f}"
                raise RuntimeError(msg)
        if isinstance(api_args["frameworks"], list):
            api_args["frameworks"] = ",".join(api_args["frameworks"])

    if isinstance(cache, str) and cache:
        if find_spec("pyarrow") is None:
            msg = "install the `pyarrow` package to use the cache"
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        if clear_cache and os.path.exists(cache):
            shutil.rmtree(cache, True)
        os.makedirs(cache, exist_ok=True)
        if not cache_format:
            cache_format = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_CACHE_FORMAT", "parquet")
        if cache_format not in ["parquet", "feather"]:
            msg = "`cache_format` must be `parquet` or `feather`"
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        cache = ""

    data, res, id_specified = _manage_request(
        context=f"custom/{context}" if custom_context else context,

    # finalize
    if collect_results and (res is None or not res.shape[0]):
        msg = "no results"
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    if cache and cache_degragment:
        writer = _get_writer(cache_format)
        for bin_dir in glob(cache + "/bin=*/"):
            _defragment_bin(bin_dir, cache_format, writer)
    if not collect_results:
        if verbose:
            print(f"done ({perf_counter() - start_time:.4f})")
        return None
    if verbose:
        print(f"preparing output ({perf_counter() - start_time:.4f})")
    data.set_index("id", inplace=True)
    res.set_index("id", inplace=True)
    if len(res) != len(data):
        res = res.join(data["text"])
        data_absent = data.loc[list(set(data.index).difference(res.index))]
        data_absent = data_absent.loc[data_absent["text"].isin(res["text"])]
        if data.size:
            res = res.reset_index()
            res.set_index("text", inplace=True)
            data_dupes = res.loc[data_absent["text"]]
            data_dupes["id"] = data_absent.index.to_list()
            res = pandas.concat([res, data_dupes])
            res.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
            res.set_index("id", inplace=True)
    res = res.join(data["text"], how="right")
    if not return_text:
        res.drop("text", axis=1, inplace=True)
    res = res.reset_index()

    if output is not None:
        if verbose:
            print(f"writing results to file: {output} ({perf_counter() - start_time:.4f})")
        res.to_csv(output, index=False)

    drops = ["custom", "bin"]
    if not id_specified:
    if frameworks is not None:
        if verbose:
            print(f"selecting frameworks ({perf_counter() - start_time:.4f})")
        if isinstance(frameworks, str):
            frameworks = [frameworks]
        if len(frameworks) == 1 and framework_prefix is None:
            framework_prefix = False
        select = []
        if id_specified:
        if return_text:
        res = res.filter(regex=f"^(?:{'|'.join(select + frameworks)})(?:$|\\.)")
    if isinstance(framework_prefix, bool) and not framework_prefix:
        prefix_pattern = re.compile("^[^.]+\\.")
        res.columns = pandas.Index([prefix_pattern.sub("", col) for col in res.columns])

    if verbose:
        print(f"done ({perf_counter() - start_time:.4f})")

    return res