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Check the status of the API.

status(url=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_URL', ''), key=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_KEY', ''), secret=os.getenv('RECEPTIVITI_SECRET', ''), dotenv=False, verbose=True)

Check the API's status.

Ping the Receptiviti API to see if it's available, and if your credentials are valid.


Name Type Description Default
url str

The URL of the API.

getenv('RECEPTIVITI_URL', '')
key str

Your API key.

getenv('RECEPTIVITI_KEY', '')
secret str

Your API secret.

dotenv bool | str

Path to a .env file to read environment variables from, or True to look for a file in the current directory.

verbose bool

If False, will not print status messages.



Type Description
Union[Response, None]

Response from the API server.


>>> receptiviti.status()
Source code in src\receptiviti\
def status(
    url: str = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_URL", ""),
    key: str = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_KEY", ""),
    secret: str = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_SECRET", ""),
    dotenv: Union[bool, str] = False,
) -> Union[requests.Response, None]:
    Check the API's status.

    Ping the Receptiviti API to see if it's available, and if your credentials are valid.

      url (str): The URL of the API.
      key (str): Your API key.
      secret (str): Your API secret.
      dotenv (bool | str): Path to a .env file to read environment variables from, or `True`
        to look for a file in the current directory.
      verbose (bool): If `False`, will not print status messages.

      Response from the API server.

        >>> receptiviti.status()
    if dotenv is not None and dotenv:
        readin_env("." if isinstance(dotenv, bool) else dotenv)
    if not url:
        url = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_URL", "")
    if not key:
        key = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_KEY", "")
    if not secret:
        secret = os.getenv("RECEPTIVITI_SECRET", "")
    url = ("https://" if re.match("http", url, re.I) is None else "") + re.sub(
        "/[Vv]\\d(?:/.*)?$|/+$", "", url
    if re.match("https?://[^.]+[.:][^.]", url, re.I) is None:
        raise TypeError("`url` does not appear to be valid: " + url)
        res = requests.get(url.lower() + "/v1/ping", auth=(key, secret), timeout=9999)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
        if verbose:
            print("Status: ERROR\nMessage: URL is unreachable")
        return None
    content = res.json() if res.text[:1] == "{" else {"message": res.text}
    if verbose:
        print("Status: " + ("OK" if res.status_code == 200 else "ERROR"))
            "Message: "
            + (
                + (" (" + str(content["code"]) + ")" if "code" in content else "")
                + ": "
                + content["pong" if "pong" in content else "message"]
    return res