Built with R 4.4.2
Norming Contexts
Some measures are normed against a sample of text. These samples may be more or less appropriate to your texts.
The default context is meant for general written text, and there is another built-in context for general spoken text:
text <- "Text to be normed differently."
written <- receptiviti(text, version = "v2")
spoken <- receptiviti(text, version = "v2", context = "spoken")
# select a few categories that differ between contexts
differing <- which(written != spoken)[1:10]
# note that the text hashes are sensitive to the set context
as.data.frame(t(rbind(written = written, spoken = spoken)[, differing]))
#> written
#> text_hash 45bbf3011f5ef8bb027af931a202afc6
#> context written
#> big_5.extraversion 29.60482
#> big_5.active 41.92496
#> big_5.assertive 18.60346
#> big_5.cheerful 41.64915
#> big_5.energetic 60.83928
#> big_5.friendly 44.94581
#> big_5.sociable 19.69610
#> big_5.openness 11.894965
#> spoken
#> text_hash d89df4983ee8808bc1006c014ae142ca
#> context spoken
#> big_5.extraversion 31.14650
#> big_5.active 42.61641
#> big_5.assertive 20.81324
#> big_5.cheerful 38.75014
#> big_5.energetic 65.02978
#> big_5.friendly 43.74668
#> big_5.sociable 15.64881
#> big_5.openness 9.808802
You can also norm against your own sample, which involves first establishing a context, then scoring against it.
Use the receptiviti_norming
function to establish a
custom context:
context_text <- c(
"Text with normed in it.",
"Text with differently in it."
# set lower word count filter for this toy sample
context_status <- receptiviti_norming(
name = "custom_example",
text = context_text,
options = list(word_count_filter = 1),
verbose = FALSE
# the `second_pass` result shows what was analyzed
#> body_hash submitted blank word_count_filtered
#> 1 a8ad333a99c513c46f270f369dc39dc2 2 0 0
#> punctuation_filtered analyzed word_count
#> 1 0 2 10
Then use the custom_context
argument to specify that
norming context when scoring:
custom <- receptiviti(text, version = "v2", custom_context = "custom_example")
as.data.frame(t(rbind(custom = custom[, differing])))
#> custom
#> text_hash 3dee016e73a68569d7cd31e1564c84a3
#> context custom/custom_example
#> big_5.extraversion 0
#> big_5.active 0
#> big_5.assertive 100
#> big_5.cheerful 100
#> big_5.energetic 100
#> big_5.friendly 100
#> big_5.sociable 0
#> big_5.openness 0
High Volume
The Receptiviti API has
on bundle requests, so the receptiviti()
function splits
texts into acceptable bundles, to be spread across multiple
This means the only remaining limitation on the number of texts that can be processed comes from the memory of the system sending requests.
The basic way to work around this limitation is to fully process smaller chunks of text.
There are a few ways to avoid loading all texts and results.
Cache as Output
Setting the collect_results
argument to
avoids retaining all batch results in memory as they
are receive, but means results are not returned, so the they have to be
collected in the cache.
If texts are also too big to load into memory, they can be loaded
from files at request time. By default, when multiple files pointed to
as text
, the actual texts are only loaded when they are
being sent for scoring, which means only bundle_size
texts are loaded at a time.
We can start by writing some small text examples to files:
base_dir <- "../../"
text_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "test_texts/")
dir.create(text_dir, FALSE, TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(10)) {
paste0("An example text ", i, "."),
paste0(text_dir, "example_", i, ".txt")
And then minimally load these and their results by saving results to a Parquet dataset.
Disabling the request_cache
will also avoid storing a
copy of raw results.
db_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "test_results")
dir.create(db_dir, FALSE, TRUE)
dir = text_dir, collect_results = FALSE, cache = db_dir,
request_cache = FALSE, cores = 1
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
Results are now available in the cache directory, which you can load in using the request function again:
# adding make_request=False just ensures requests are not made if not found
results <- receptiviti(dir = text_dir, cache = db_dir, make_request = FALSE)
results[, 2:4]
#> text_hash summary.word_count
#> 1 5f9b76d1c846acd9d5b7c8c91e230114 4
#> 2 17c69948eccbd6e4077dcb529a0ba68f 4
#> 3 87682e4113d7bf58377e1f2c6037bc99 4
#> 4 99f34e51e2e12696b153e664fd01ed9c 4
#> 5 db8f2e1d82674f51920c2e6b9d1e0f57 4
#> 6 b7ed3ead170a92fbdc7b945a067dd181 4
#> 7 1ae462819e36f657305695a8ac63858a 4
#> 8 7c3bb4bd1dd6955041e2649cc7e99c51 4
#> 9 6382fa2141d3ae2b313c9295fd76aaf1 4
#> 10 bb9d24d530c37a7e2e5b8e7f852abe43 4
#> summary.words_per_sentence
#> 1 4
#> 2 4
#> 3 4
#> 4 4
#> 5 4
#> 6 4
#> 7 4
#> 8 4
#> 9 4
#> 10 4
Manual Chunking
A more flexible approach would be to process smaller chunks of text normally, and handle loading and storing results yourself.
In this case, it may be best to disable parallelization (if you’re parallelizing manually), and explicitly disable the primary cache (in case it’s specified in an environment variable).
res_dir <- paste0(base_dir, "text_results_manual")
dir.create(res_dir, FALSE, TRUE)
# using the same files as before
files <- list.files(text_dir, full.names = TRUE)
# process 5 files at a time
for (i in seq(1, 10, 5)) {
file_subset <- files[seq(i, i + 4)]
results <- receptiviti(
files = file_subset, id = file_subset,
cores = 1, cache = FALSE, request_cache = FALSE
results, paste0(res_dir, "/files_", i, "-", i + 5, ".csv.xz"), ","
Now results will be stored in smaller files:
vroom::vroom(paste0(res_dir, "/files_1-6.csv.xz"))
#> Rows: 5 Columns: 199
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (2): id, text_hash
#> dbl (197): summary.word_count, summary.words_per_sentence, summary.sentence_...
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> # A tibble: 5 × 199
#> id text_hash summary.word_count summary.words_per_se…¹
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ../../test_texts/example_… 5f9b76d1… 4 4
#> 2 ../../test_texts/example_… 17c69948… 4 4
#> 3 ../../test_texts/example_… 87682e41… 4 4
#> 4 ../../test_texts/example_… 99f34e51… 4 4
#> 5 ../../test_texts/example_… db8f2e1d… 4 4
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹summary.words_per_sentence
#> # ℹ 195 more variables: summary.sentence_count <dbl>,
#> # summary.six_plus_words <dbl>, summary.capitals <dbl>, summary.emojis <dbl>,
#> # summary.emoticons <dbl>, summary.hashtags <dbl>, summary.urls <dbl>,
#> # personality.extraversion <dbl>, personality.active <dbl>,
#> # personality.assertive <dbl>, personality.cheerful <dbl>,
#> # personality.energetic <dbl>, personality.friendly <dbl>, …